The Edge Academy

Creating a New Plan

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A new plan can be created:

  1. By going to an Initiative record and selecting the 'Publish Initiative & Create Plans' Tab and following the prompts provided (BEST METHOD).
  2. By selecting 'New Plan' on any of the Hub Pages.

Add Plans via Initiative Record

To create a new plan from an Initiative/Goal record, first go to the Initiative you want to link the plan to.

Then click on the 'Publish Initiative & Create Plans' TAB or once the initiative is published you can 'Add Plans'.


Item: GOAL: 8.2. Initiative

A flow will appear and you can enter the number of drafts plan you would like to create for this initiative.

Set the Start Date, duration and increment of each plan.

Once you click Next you will then be asked to review the plans and make adjustments if needed.

Once you have completed this review, refresh the page to see your published initiative and related plans.

To go to your related plan/s record page click on the plan name within the 'Related Plans' TAB.

You can also add plans once the Initiative is Published by going to the 'Add Plans' TAB in the Initiative record page.

Item: GOAL: 8.2. Initiative

New Plan via Hub Pages

You can also create a new plan by going to any of the Hub Pages and selecting the 'New Plan' button.


You will first be prompted to search for an existing Initiative to be able to create a plan. Once an initiative is selected you can then follow the prompts provided to create a plan.

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