The Edge Academy

Achieve TAB

Updated on

The purpose of the Achieve TAB is to provide a place to view all the items from Initiating to Achieved.  

Initiating Items will be created by Leaders or Admins.

Planning Items will be created by Planners or Leaders/Admin.

Achieving Items can be created by Achievers or all of the above.

To support Achievers and Planners we suggest you take their courses.

NOTE: To create an item you will need to click on the Create an Item TAB.

All of these views have been filtered to display items owned by you. (Note: This can be changed and we will show you how to do that below).

Pro Quantum - Achieve

Filtering Grid View

To add or erase a filter on a Grid click on the filter icon to the right of the column name. If the icon is blue a filter has been applied. To add a filter, search or select eg. an Owner's Name and click 'Filter'. To erase a filter click 'Clear'.

Pro Quantum - Achieve

Item Record Page

Now you will see the Item record page which contains:

  1. The Guided Process
  2. Any Issues related to the Action
  3. Details
  4. Checklist
  5. Company Chatter
Item: 2.2 PLANS: Take Over 2nd Half

Create a new Checklist Item

To create a checklist Item  to help you complete the action click on the 'Create New Checklist Item' button at the top right of the page.

Item: Increase Alfa Sales Turnover W23 Add J

This pop-up will appear where you can provide the Checklist item details and then click Save.

Item: Increase Alfa Sales Turnover W14 Add J

The checklist item will appear under the Checklist TAB in the Action item.

To mark the item as completed click the down arrow to the right


Item: Increase Alfa Sales Turnover W14 Add J

Then click 'Edit'

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