Enquiries can come from your organisation's website, phone or email.
For phone enquiries staff will be required to create a New Enquiry record.
For email enquiries we recommend that these customers are directed to use your organisation's website or they are treated like a phone enquiry.
This is considered Best Practise as it ensures that all the information provided is registered in the platform and can be accessed by other staff members if required.
Phone Enquiries
For Phone Enquiries you will need to create an enquiry by selecting the 'New Enquiry' button at the top left of the Enquiries page.
Then fill in their information while they are on the phone.
The person your administrator has nominated to be notified of enquiries will be the default owner.
However, this can be changed by clicking the X and selecting yourself or another staff member.
Once the information has been provided a new enquiry record will have been created.
Simply click on the button to 'Go to New Enquiry'.
You will now be in the new enquiry record you have just created.
From here you can action the enquiry, create and assign tasks or convert it to a customer or opportunity record.
Email Enquiries
We recommend that you direct all customers to your website's Contact Us form to submit enquiries. This way their information is automatically placed in The Edge Platform and can be accessed and actioned by all staff.