Posting an queries, thoughts or findings on Chatter, allows other people in your organisation to be informed and contribute to the discussion.
Type your comments where it says 'Share an update' and then click Share.
There comments will be able to be seen by the person/s you have @mentioned or those staff members that can view this record.
The purpose of @mentioning, is to notify the person that an important conversation is going on that needs their attention. It can be use to ask a person a question or seek additional information.
To @mention someone when sharing a post:
- Start with an @ and then start typing the person's name.
- A list of options will pop up which may include: people, typically users you interact with the most.
- Select the person you wish to mention from the list
- You can tell that they have been mentioned correctly if their name appears in blue.
- These @mentions can only be seen by those within your Company that have access to the record.
- For people who choose to receive emails when mentioned, Chatter sends an email notification. A red number will also appear on the bell in the top right hand corner of the screen notifying them of a message they need to attend to.
In the Question TAB you can post targeted questions and select the Best Answer from the responses below. These questions are searchable and are a great avenue to incite discussion.

The purpose of a poll is to get feedback on any questions you may have.
To create a poll:
- Type a question in the text box,
- Provide at least two choices for answers. eg. Yes or No
- Use 'Add new choice' for more options
- Click 'ASK' to post the poll.